
  Is it now possible for a single programmer to make a successful software/app?   It has always been possible for a single programmer to make a successful piece of software, depending on exactly how you define ‘successful’. In some ways, it is easier now, at least, if you don’t count the time other programmers spent developing the tools, libraries, and frameworks that you’ll likely be using to avoid having to reinvent the wheel. The main question here is how one defines ‘success’. I’ve written programs that did exactly what the person or people who were going to use them needed, but that never earned any significant amount of money (or any money in some cases; they were used by other people at my company). I’d say those were successful; they did what they were intended to do and produced what the users wanted. However, if you are defining ‘success’ as being a major moneymaker, then they won’t count. It is hard to create software that all by itself generates a ...
  How do I call a destructor in C++?         Explicit destructor calls are rarely used in C++. First, if the object has automatic, thread-local, or static storage duration, and you explicitly call the destructor, then the destructor will get called a second time when the block, thread, or program (respectively) ends, which will cause undefined behaviour. {   T x;   x.~T(); // destroys x   } // whoops! x gets destroyed a second time here :(   Second, even when the object is dynamically allocated, you usually should use something like std::unique_ptr which will automatically call the destructor for you. Third, even if for some reason you need to manage memory manually, usually you will want to destroy the object at the same time as you dispose of its storage. This is done using delete : auto p = new T;   // ...   delete p; // calls T::~T(), then deallocates the memory   The main situation where you need ...
  Why do self-taught programmers seem to do better than those with a computer science degree?   Self-taught programmers tend to overestimate what they know. In my last career before I retired, I was tasked with reviewing and editing every document that went out to the users from the consulting company I worked for because the programmers couldn’t write a user document to save their lives. They couldn’t put together a coherent paragraph without making major errors in grammar and syntax. As part of my CS degree I had to take English, so I knew what good English looked like. I could go on for hours about the power of Churchill’s speeches to the English parliament. Churchill broke many of what are considered the rules of English grammar. He knew what he was doing. The self-taught programmers had no idea. If you are writing documents for upper management and know good English, you just dumb it down to their level and they are really impressed. It looks professional....

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                                     Saturday bulletin. Put It There. Sometimes, you just want to hug a dog. Watch this pup offer a handshake and then pivot to full embrace. We could all use a hug right now. | via Twitter Location Access Denied. In a win for consumers, Apple and Google are cracking down on apps that include software from X-Mode, a location data-collecting data broker. Apple is giving iOS developers two weeks to rid their apps of X-Mode's trackers while Google is offering Android devs one week. Apps that don't comply risk losing access to the companies' mobile operating systems. | via Wall Street Journal Facebook Facing Pressure. 40 out of 50 U.S. states and the country's Federal Trade Commission have called out Facebook, describin...
                                                                                            Caching Before beginning with this lesson, I want to ask you a question. When you visit a website and request certain data from the server. How long do you wait for the response? 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds? I know, I know, I am pushing it… 45? What? Still no response… And then you finally bounce off & visit another website for your answer. We are impatient creatures; we need our answers quick. This makes ...
The presentation secrets of Steve Jobs Steve Jobs is the most captivating communicator on the world stage. No one else comes close. A Jobs presentation unleashes a rush of dopamine into the brains of his audience. Some people go to great lengths to get this hit, even spending the night in freezing temperatures to ensure the best seat at one of his speeches. When they don’t get that buzz, they go through withdrawals. How else do you explain the fact that some fans threatened to protest Jobs’s absence from a conference he had keynoted for years? That’s what happened when Apple announced that Jobs would not deliver his traditional keynote presentation at Macworld Expo in 2009. (Apple also announced that it would be the last year in which the company would participate in this annual trade show produced by Boston-based IDG World Expo.)  Apple vice president Phil Schiller filled in for the legendary presenter. The expectations were nearly impossible to meet, but Schiller performed...